Here are some interesting facts about pink roses.
They had been one of the first rose colors to occur, the first having been discovered in fossils 40 million years ago! They first appeared in China's Imperial rose gardens approximately 5,000 years ago. Pink roses have been found frequently during excavations, implying that they were the first ones to enter the world of floristics. In the opinion of scientists, all varieties originated from pink roses.
They were used to design everything from wallpaper to greeting cards throughout the Victorian era and remain popular and are the favorites of our customers.
Without a doubt, they are the most popular wedding flower after white ones. This flower was considered a sign of female honour by the Greeks. Pink roses have become a modern-day symbol of passionate love and devotion. Surprisingly, the beauty of flowers is regularly used during times of loss and is widely used at funerals.
They are suggested by psychologists to symbolise femininity, healing, innocence, peace, playfulness, romance, sweetness, tranquillity and warmth.