If you are preparing for a celebration and want to make your loved one happy, pre-order pink roses online and take advantage of the home delivery service. Wish you a happy day!
Pink roses bouquet - it’s the most popular colour ordered in LovelyRoses after red ones. As this is the most common colour of roses worldwide, the options are quite endless. At LovelyRoses, we use many different varieties and shades of pink roses, but each one has its own application. Below are the most popular ones.
"Hermosa" is a sweet and feminine rose; the word "hermosa" means "beautiful" in Spanish. It has a bright colour with a very big head, which opens slowly reaching its maximum size towards the end of its vase life. It is not as long-standing as some of the other breeds. Something about this particular shade of pink always resonates with customers looking for a tasteful yet slightly understated hue. It also has a faint but very pleasant fragrance.
“Pink Mondial” is a very pale rose. It’s a sister of the white “Mondial” one, which is favoured for its very big head and long-standing vase life. It’s another brides' favourite only this time with those choosing more delicate coloured bouquets. It symbolises unity, virtue, and the pureness of a new bond of love. With its dusty pink hues that open up into a cream outer ring of cascading petals, it’s no surprise that these roses have become a wedding season favourite. Its pristine, romantic appearance adds a touch of charm and vintage class to any floral arrangement.
While some roses open up only a little bit, others open fully, up to the very last petal, and “Geraldine” is one of them. It opens up in just a few hours after being put into the water, keeping its shape for a long time. It’s a very pretty "lacy" flower and is used a lot for colourful wedding bouquets.
Our beloved Pink O’Hara Rose was bred in France in the 1970s by renowned rose breeder Henri Delbard. It is named after the character Scarlett O’Hara in Margaret Mitchell’s novel “Gone with the Wind”. This flower is known for its blooming style and fragrance. O’Hara brings a light confectionary pink to wedding bouquets and other romantic floral designs, along with a rich lavender perfume.