To tell the truth, it is very difficult to find an experienced florist in Georgia. This is because you can not learn floristry as a profession here, there are no proper schools, courses, or experienced florists to learn from. We may be wrong, but we think that all experienced florists work with us. In our opinion, a good florist, in addition to taste, should have very important qualities, such as thinking in 3D space and knowing the proper arrangement techniques.
Today, we already have an extraordinary team of florists. They are constantly developing and creating more and more complex compositions. But as time passes, circumstances change, florists also change their country of residence, leaving us with a difficult choice: to raise an inexperienced florist from scratch, or to hire one who has been working for years, but has a technique and style to change.
Perhaps we are taking an intermediate path. We are constantly looking for florists who have one or two years of experience working with flowers.
Take a look at the composition category on our website and if you think you can put together something similar and want to continue development, write us a few words about yourself in our email, send us your works and we will get back to you.