Can be ordered only complimentary to flowers!!
Transparent vase for bouquets .
Small vase height: 20 cm. Vase diameter: 10 cm. Vase is for little or medium sizes bouquets.
Big vase height: 30 cm. Vase diameter: 16 cm. Vase is for medium or big sized bouquets.
Which vase is perfect for you depends on the interior, the bouquet, and the flowers included in it. If it is a voluminous bouquet with many components, it is recommended to use a large vase, because you will not need to shorten the flowers too much, the bouquet will have more volume, each component will get full attention and will not get lost, also this vase is good for long mono bouquets. A small vase is good for medium and small bouquets that do not consist of many components, in this case, if we place the bouquet in a small vase, the flowers will appear fuller and create a beautiful composition together.