Do you want a grand gift? 100 roses is a beautiful and original option. This bouquet helps you express your feelings without words and show the person how much they are precious to you. We created a bouquet of a hundred roses, especially for this. 💐
Order online without leaving home and use the delivery service in Tbilisi and Georgia regions. 🚚
Wish you a happy and cheerful mood! ✨
Do you wonder how a girl feels when she receives such a big bouquet? Admiration or regret for the spent money? Of course, she will be very happy. Most likely, according to statistics, you will be the first person to make such a gesture in her life, and it will be remembered forever. The wife will be surprised and delighted, and you will be able to revive the routine of married life with this gift. Moreover, such attention will be pleasant for the mother, grandmother and sister.
How much are 100 roses, expensive or cheap?
We decided to approach the answer philosophically. It all depends on specific circumstances. What is the purpose of the gift? To win her heart, thank her, remind her of yourself, or support her? Whatever the purpose, A bouquet of 100 roses - Is quite a bold statement. It is hard to imagine anything more spectacular and effective. Of course, you can be creative and come up with an original and unique idea, but it is quite difficult and time-consuming.
What effect do you want to get? Do you want to leave something memorable, outstanding, intriguing or surprising? Many women report that they remember such a gesture for the rest of their lives, but of course, it all depends on the individual situation, how often did you or previous admirers give her gifts or flowers? Does your lady love flowers, or does she consider them a waste of money? To find out, we conducted a survey among women and got quite interesting statistics. About 70% of the girls we surveyed would be thrilled to receive a huge bouquet and would tell others about it. About 30% want something more practical from a man. But the most interesting thing is that of those who did not like the idea, only 2% received such a gift in real life, and the rest never received it!
Another aspect is related to the financial situation. According to many surveys, it turns out that along with a sense of humor and caring, women really appreciate generosity in men. Therefore, if you can easily pay attention to such details every day, it will not seem special to you and will turn into a routine. But, unfortunately, in reality, such relationships make up only 2%. What is the price for such a large bouquet For a poor student living on a scholarship? All his income. In such a case, perhaps, there is no need to follow the example of Pirosmani and spend all the money on flowers.
I return to the question of How much is a bouquet of 100 roses, expensive or cheap? It all depends on specific circumstances, but we are sure of one thing: every girl should experience such emotions at least once in her life.
100 roses - is it worth buying?
To Buy 100 roses in Tbilisi is not difficult. A lot of Online stores with delivery will offer this service. However, women have different opinions about this gift. Some consider it a waste of money, others are excited and think every woman should get A bouquet of 100 roses, doesn’t matter if she lives In Tbilisi or any other city in the world. Some people like smaller but more frequent gifts. You know your loved one better, and it is easier to predict her reaction. We will just try to objectively tell you about the pros and cons of this gift.
Among the supporting arguments, we can list the following:
Among the arguments against:
If you weigh the pros and cons and still want to Buy 100 roses in Tbilisi, will gladly help you in this pleasant and emotional task.
I was given 100 roses - what should I do?
If you buy a similar bouquet For your loved one - it will be a pleasant surprise for her at first, which he will remember for the rest of her life. She will be surprised and delighted, then she will smile, thank you and then think about where to take it. Often an elegant bouquet of 100 roses will end up in a large, shapeless contain, buying a vase with roses is recommended, which solves this problem, but if you don't have a suitable vase, then you can use any interesting container, from a wine cooler to a regular jar. Of course, you can traditionally place roses in one large container, but on the contrary, you can distribute flowers throughout the living space.
Studies have shown that the more time you spend decorating your home with flowers, the better your health and family relationships will be. They elevate mood and reduce stress. This is associated with the pleasant smell, color and shape of flowers, which evoke positive emotions in a person. And, of course, one of the main roles here is played by the queen of flowers - the rose, which has inspired poets, artists, fashion designers and others for centuries.
Although the flowers do not last long, you can experiment with them during these 7–10 days while they are still alive. Today it's one bouquet, tomorrow it can be completely different if you add greenery or tie a ribbon to the vase.
Famous florists recommend decorating different rooms of the house with only one type of flower. Repetition gives a certain charm and allows us to appreciate the beauty of the flower from a different angle. An ideal situation for experiments, if given as a gift, A bouquet of 100 roses! It is enough for the whole apartment. And when the first rose begins to drop its leaf, do not rush to throw it away, because its leaves can decorate the furniture surfaces or even the floor.
At Lovely Roses, we offer delivery throughout Tbilisi and Georgia with the option of paying by MasterCard and Visa credit cards. You can order flowers on the website itself, or you can call our managers by phone. We hope you enjoy your stay with us and come back again. Not just for buying flowers, but simply for inspiration and gift ideas. We will always try to find and provide you with new ideas to congratulate the important day of your loved one and leave it as an eternal memory.